That night Wyatt and I went to our class "Growing kids with God" at our church and afterwards discussed with our friends how we hoped she would be here soon. I was having some discomfort on my back and was actually able to time them every 7-8 minutes at one point. But they were so light I wasn't sure if they were contractions, the pain was mostly my back and I could ignore them if I stood up and walked around. So that night I went to bed thinking they either go away or will get stronger but I couldn't sleep, I was texting my little brother Kevin for a bit then dozed off.
Woke up at around 4 am and I felt the pain on my back again but stronger so I started to time them..but I was tired and I just hugged Wyatt every time I felt it and tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. He woke up to go to work and we discussed again that if it was time to call him and he would head home right away. So after he was gone for about 15 mins I went back to bed and felt a "contraction" (pain on my back) and actually felt a pop in my tummy. So I googled it and found that it could be my water breaking so I got excited. I got up but nothing...a few more steps and got ready to potty and sure enough! So I called Wyatt who did not pick up, called the base and let the dispatcher know my water broke. Called mom and she said she was on her way. Called the doctor's office who said "ok go to labor and delivery!" and then Wyatt called me and started asking me how it was and as the contractions got stronger I told him to just head home, to hurry and be careful. I picked up the last few things I needed to put in a bag (diaper and hospital bag were already in the car) and "tried" to pick up the apartment a little bit. Washed my face, brushed my teeth, did a little dance and when Wyatt got home, we went straight to labor and delivery!
We got there at almost 7am and parked and I was able to walk to the door (pain was still not awful). We got there and they put me in a room and we go comfortable. They tested for amniotic fluid before they did a cervical check and that took a while. At around 9am they did the cervical check and I was dilated 4cm. At around 9:30 am they broke my water some more to speed up the process. By this time my contractions were horrible, still all on my back and I was not able to breath through them. I got the epidural which was not bad at all. The contractions were way more painful and I was having a hard time holding still. But this was me after the Epi:
So I was still feeling the contractions on my left side but they were not horrible and I liked that I could still feel something to know when to push. At around 10am I was dilated 6cm, by noon I was dilated 8cm, and at 2pm I started pushing. Took a couple of hours (she was facing sideways which made it difficult for her to come out). In the meantime I relaxed, Wyatt ate, and we talked some about how excited we were. I swear Wyatt was almost jumping from joy, we were so happy the time was finally here.
It was hard, the pushing, exhausting!! But I tried with all my might and the midwife said I could not be doing a better job. It was beautiful, the whole thing. When she came out, I could not hold back the tears, a miracle just happened, my little miracle! Daddy cut the cord:
She was born at 4:05pm weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long. She was put in my arms and Wyatt and I just stared at her and we had a great bonding experience. This is me first holding her:
Her after getting checked by the pediatrician:
Breastfeeding for the first time:
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