Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 29

WEEK 29 


How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain: 12+
Maternity clothes? still same, leggings, maternity jeans and my regular clothes
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: still sleeping great
Best moment this week: went window shopping, getting very excited :)

Miss Anything? the beach, wish I could go to the beach, but beaches here are cold 
Movement: all the time :) sometimes it feels funny, but I love it! Wyatt can feel her all the time now too, she is getting stronger :)
Food cravings: still same, fruits and sweets :D
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've bee feeling better!
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: back pain (like crazy), tired all the time, headaches
Belly Button in or out? in, but looking a little flatter
Wedding rings on or off? on and fitting perfectly!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and emotional lol
Looking forward to: childbirth class next weekend, maternity pics the week after that and SoCal baby shower after that!


Week Twenty Nine: Movement is more forceful

You are 29 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 27 weeks)
  • Your baby now weighs about 2 and a half pounds (1150gm)
  • and is about 15 inches (38.5cm) long from head to heel.
  • Brain is busy developing billions of neurons.
  • Baby's muscles and lungs are continuing to mature.
  • The fetus can taste and respond to pain.
  • The milk teeth have developed under the gums.
The baby's head is growing bigger to accommodate the brain, which is busy developing billions of neurons. The eyes can move in their sockets. They may be able to follow a blinking light. As well as your baby's increasing sensitivity to changes in light, they may also be able to taste. Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences or dislike for particular tastes at this stage.

Baby is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, they will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if baby is performing somersaults for an olympic gold medal. Baby may be performing fewer movements because living conditions in the womb are becoming more cramped. The baby is still doing a lot of kicking and stretching. Some of your baby's kicks and punches may even take your breath away.

Baby hears things better from the vibrations all around, and can now distinguish real sounds and voices. Do not forget to continue to 'teach' your baby in the womb by exposing them to music, literature, and simply talking to them. At this stage baby eyes are almost always blue and can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial light through the uterine wall.

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