Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 32


How far along? 32 Weeks, 6 days (Kinda late I know!)
Total weight gain: 16+ 
Maternity clothes? Maternity bottoms mostly still, too busy to shop right now so strechting my shirts will have to do lol
Stretch marks? none yet on the tummy
Sleep: getting up a lot during the night, super tired during the day. Looking forward to sleeping in this weekend...maybe lol
Best moment this week: Seeing our family and friends at the baby shower :) AND seeing our baby girl today (ultrasound). By measuring my belly, doctor said I should do an ultrasound because I'm measuring small (26 cm last week). Well, according to the ultrasound, her estimated weight is 5 pounds, 3 oz and she is measuring at 34 weeks, 2 days....We'll see what the doctor thinks about this next week lol

Miss Anything? breathing still...I never thought I had to work at it, sometimes I forget and run out of breath....not a good feeling!
Movement: yes, random kicks but I feel her move :) Daddy felt her before bed a couple of nights ago and he thinks it was her head since it was such a big movement. Hiccups too!
Food cravings: sweets and fruit oh and chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick: not so much, feeling better bout that but it's still hard finding something to eat sometimes...nothing sounds appetizing
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: shortness of breath, back pain (lots!), and very tired
Belly Button in or out? in, I think it will stay in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Anxious, excited, nervous, but happy!
Looking forward to: Seeing my parents tomorrow and baby shower/moving next week!

Week Thirty Two: Reproductive development continues

You are 32 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 30 weeks)
  • The baby is 17 inches (43cm) long and weighs 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms).
  • The diameter of the head is almost 4 inches (10cm).
  • Under the skin the fat layer is getting thicker.
  • The toenails and fingernails are completely formed.
  • In boys, the testicles will be descending from the groin down into his scrotum.
During this time the baby sleeps most of the day. The uterus is getting to be a small space for the baby to move about, so you may have noticed a decrease in your baby's movements. The baby is still trying to move frequently but it just does not have enough room. The baby will turn its head from side to side and move its hands.

As space in your uterus becomes more cramped, your baby's kicks and other movements may seem less forceful. You may want to check on your baby's movements from time to time and do a kick count.

If your baby is a boy, his testicles are moving from their location near the kidneys through the groin on their way into the scrotum. If your baby is a girl, her clitoris is now relatively prominent.

The baby will now weigh about 4 pounds (1.8 kg). Half of your weight gain now will go directly to baby. If you are carrying twins or more, their weight increase will be slower than singletons because of the lack of room in the uterus.

Are you waddling? This is because the ligaments in your pelvis have softened, allowing your hips to spread in preparation for birth. If you find that the increased weight of your breasts is uncomfortable when sleeping try wearing a soft but supportive bra to bed.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week 31


Mia weighs as much as 4 navel oranges

How far along? 31 Weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain: 15+
Maternity clothes? still wearing maternity jeans and leggings and my regular clothes. Might need to start buying maternity shirts lol 
Stretch marks? none yet on the tummy
Sleep: still laying on bed for bout 30 mins before I fall asleep and getting up for bathroom breaks
Best moment this week: The hospital tour! We got to see where the excitement will take place :)

Miss Anything? I'm out of breath all the time! It's getting to the uncomfortable stage....
Movement: yes! and kicks every now and then. Also it
Food cravings: fruits and sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: random stuff, I can have stuff I hadn't in the first trimester though
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: out of breath and back pain
Belly Button in or out? in, a bit flatter
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy girl!
Looking forward to: this weekend! Get to see my family and friends!!! 


Week Thirty One: Baby detects light

You are 31 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 29 weeks)
  • Baby weighs 3.5 pounds and measures 16.5 inches from the head to heel.
  • Baby's weight is about 1.6 kg and length around 42cm.
  • The eyes have now completely opened and are responding to light and darkness.
  • A loud noise near you may cause your little one to jump.
Your baby continues to grow. Baby's lungs and digestive tract are very near to being mature. Now that almost all of the major organs are functioning, growth will focus on maturing those organs and growing muscle mass and fat stores. Baby's weight gain will exceed its growth in length from now on. He or she should more than double their weight again between now and birth. It weighs about 3.5 pounds (1.6kg), and crown to rump length is 11 inches (28cm). Its total length is 16.5 inches (42cm).

A loud noise near you may cause your little one to jump. Baby may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that they may also prefer some types of music to others at this stage. The eyes can now completely open and the irises are now responsive to light, dilating and contracting as needed.

You will probably find that though you have been feeling pretty energetic throughout your second trimester, you are beginning to slow down now. Pay attention to your body's signals and rest when you need to. Exercise is still an important activity for you, even though it gets harder as you get larger and heavier. Try swimming, stretching and walking all excellent options for pregnant women. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 30!!!


Baby weighs 3 pounds...can you tell she's grown??! 

How far along? 30 Weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain: 15, I weighed at 147 at docs office yesterday
Maternity clothes? still maternity jeans and leggings, some maternity shirts, mostly my own clothes. But my shirts sure are stretching lol
Stretch marks? not on the tummy
Sleep: it takes a while for me to fall asleep because of so much there is to do the next day! I have been trying to sleep early but it doesn't always happen, if I do, I end up thinking for bout 30-40 mins. Plus still waking up to go to the bathroom....I think I'm being prepared to wake up 3-4 times a night. But for now I enjoy throwing myself right back to bed :) Won't be like that in about 10 weeks...eek! :D
Best moment this week: Going to childbirth classes. Got so much information! It actually opened our eyes that the time is almost here and that we needed to make some big decisions. We are now doing the birth here so Wyatt can be with us the whole time and so we stress less with so many transitions. We also decided to change our doctor and hospital. Seeing her next week. We also finally found an apartment to move to! We got a great deal in a neat place and we are upgrading to 2 bed and 2 bath! We are super happy about it because we ain't braking the bank (we thought we would end up paying a lot more) and even though it's not as cheap as we would like, there are perks: its bigger! baby girl will sleep with us at first but we will  have a room for her and for her stuff, we also are on the first floor as oppose to the third one, YEAY!, and we are closer to food marts and such, Wyatt is closer to work (for me it'll prob be just another 5-10 mins drive to work) and we have friends that live in the same complex :) We also will keep having a washer and dryer, and now have a bigger patio, bigger closets, and the complex has pool and gym and it's really pretty!

Miss Anything? Energy, so tired! We are actaully to be moving the weekend Sept 8-10th and I have boxes all over the apt and I just sit there sometimes and pretend it's all going to magically pack tself lol. Also breathing. I am out of breath all the time!
Movement: Lots! And I love it, she has days where she just chills. I enjoy when Wyatt comes home and we can tell she knows because she says hi! So cute :) She already loves us I can feel it!
Food cravings: fruits and sweets (I don't think this is going to change) lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: some meats, I have to make sure I don't see any blood or's just not good. But other than that...just gotta make sure I eat otherwise if I'm too hungry I'll get nauseous.
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: I bump into stuff more than usual, my balance isn't the best already but it's getting worse lol. Also, she takes my breath away- literally. And back pain...and it's only going to get worse.
Belly Button in or out? in but flatter
Wedding rings on or off? on - fitting perfectly in the morning and a little loose during the day

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited, sometimes anxious and nervous, but we are two happy girls :)
Looking forward to: maternity pics Saturday, packing (I know, but I actually do like to pack because I know we will be in a new apt soon!) then Baby Shower in SoCal the following weekend! Wooohoooo!!!!!!! Of course, moving :) AND starting my 8th month next week!


Week Thirty: Baby puts on pounds

You are 30 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 28 weeks)
  • Baby measurements are 16 inches and weighs about 3 pounds.
  • Length is 40cm and your baby's weight is 1.4 kilograms.
  • The head is almost 3.5 inches (8cm) in diameter.
  • The feet are nearly 2.5 inches (6cm) long.
  • The wrinkled skin is becoming smoother now.
  • In boys, the testicles have moved down to the groin.
  • The baby controls its own body temperature.

For several months, the umbilical cord has been the baby's lifeline to the mother. Nourishment is transferred from the mothers blood, through the placenta, and into the umbilical cord to the fetus. Their bone marrow is now responsible for red cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes. Your baby begins storing iron, calcium and phosphorus.

The fetus now weighs about 3 pounds (1.4kg). He or she will gain about half a pound a week until week 38. Baby is getting fatter and beginning to control its own body temperature. Baby continues to put on fat stores and the major weight gains will occur in the coming weeks. Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully developed, and hair on the head is getting thicker. Head and body are now proportioned like a newborn.

Hands are now fully formed and fingernails are growing. Can be seen on ultrasound scans grasping their other hand or feet, this is helping with nerve development. Eyelids are opening and closing, and will often make rapid eye movements - a sign they could be dreaming.

You may be starting to experience some swelling of your ankles and legs. If you have not experienced any swelling yet, it is highly probable that you will, as approximately 40 to 75 percent of women will experience mild swelling related to pregnancy.

Your uterus is now about 4 inches (10cm) above your bellybutton. It may feel like you are running out of room as your uterus grows up under your ribs. However, your fetus, placenta and uterus will continue to get larger, you still have 10 weeks to go. The average weight gain during pregnancy is 25 to 35 pounds (11.5 to 16kg). About half of this weight is concentrated in the growth of the uterus, the placenta, the baby and in the volume of amniotic fluid. At this point, you should be gaining about a pound (500 grams) a week.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 29

WEEK 29 


How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain: 12+
Maternity clothes? still same, leggings, maternity jeans and my regular clothes
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: still sleeping great
Best moment this week: went window shopping, getting very excited :)

Miss Anything? the beach, wish I could go to the beach, but beaches here are cold 
Movement: all the time :) sometimes it feels funny, but I love it! Wyatt can feel her all the time now too, she is getting stronger :)
Food cravings: still same, fruits and sweets :D
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've bee feeling better!
Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: back pain (like crazy), tired all the time, headaches
Belly Button in or out? in, but looking a little flatter
Wedding rings on or off? on and fitting perfectly!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and emotional lol
Looking forward to: childbirth class next weekend, maternity pics the week after that and SoCal baby shower after that!


Week Twenty Nine: Movement is more forceful

You are 29 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 27 weeks)
  • Your baby now weighs about 2 and a half pounds (1150gm)
  • and is about 15 inches (38.5cm) long from head to heel.
  • Brain is busy developing billions of neurons.
  • Baby's muscles and lungs are continuing to mature.
  • The fetus can taste and respond to pain.
  • The milk teeth have developed under the gums.
The baby's head is growing bigger to accommodate the brain, which is busy developing billions of neurons. The eyes can move in their sockets. They may be able to follow a blinking light. As well as your baby's increasing sensitivity to changes in light, they may also be able to taste. Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences or dislike for particular tastes at this stage.

Baby is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, they will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if baby is performing somersaults for an olympic gold medal. Baby may be performing fewer movements because living conditions in the womb are becoming more cramped. The baby is still doing a lot of kicking and stretching. Some of your baby's kicks and punches may even take your breath away.

Baby hears things better from the vibrations all around, and can now distinguish real sounds and voices. Do not forget to continue to 'teach' your baby in the womb by exposing them to music, literature, and simply talking to them. At this stage baby eyes are almost always blue and can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial light through the uterine wall.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Week 28

WEEK 28 AND 12 TO GO!!!

How far along? 28 Weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain: 12 pounds
Maternity clothes? still wearing the leggings, the maternity jeans, shorts at home mixing it with my regular  t-shirts 

Stretch marks? nope, still moisturizing :)
Sleep: with all the stress, it's hard to fall asleep, but I'm trying!
Best moment this week: seeing Wyatt when he came back for training and hearing Mia's heartbeat at the doctor's today

Miss Anything? Still missing energy. I miss sushi and wine.
Movement: yes, more and more now and mostly at night. She went crazy when Wyatt came back, I think she knew daddy was back :)
Food cravings: sweets, fruits, the usual
Anything making you queasy or sick: random stuff now, it comes and goes, good days and bad days
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: tailbone, back, headaches, tiredness! But I hear it's all worth it :P
Belly Button in or out? in

Wedding rings on or off? on, and tighter
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy of course! having some mood swings, getting emotional...but happy :) she makes me so happy!!!!
Looking forward to: labor! lol baby shower, childcare class, maternity pic much to look forward to! And now it feels like we have so little's all in God's hands, keep us in your prayers!!


Week Twenty Eight: May recognize your voice

You are 28 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 26 weeks)
  • The fetus has its own regular intervals for sleeping and being awake.
  • The weight has increased to 1000 grams and is 37.5cm in length.
  • 2.2 pounds weight and is 14.8 inches in length from head to heel.
  • The feet are just over 2 inches (5.5cm) long.
  • The hair on the head is now clearly visible.
  • The milk teeth have developed under the gums.
  • The eyes are starting to move in their sockets.
Brain waves show rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which means your baby may be dreaming. Eyelids are opening. Eye color may change within the first six months of life especially if your baby's eyes are blue or gray-blue at birth. Remember to talk to your baby often; reading stories, singing songs has been seen to slow the baby's heart rate. He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later after birth.

Your uterus will be about 3 inches (7cm) above your bellybutton. During this time of your pregnancy, your belly will grow about half an inch (1cm) each week. If you have been following a nutritious, balanced meal plan, your total weight gain is probably between 17 and 24 pounds (7.5 and 10.5 Kg).

Branches of lungs are quite developed now, so there is a good chance that baby would survive if born prematurely now. If your baby is born this week, the chances of survival is now at least 90 percent. However, some complications are still possible.