Wednesday, May 23, 2012



Ultrasound pictures from 5/21/2012

Meet: Mia Nella DeGaine

How far along? 18 Weeks, 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss: Going by what doctors chart is: started at 132, I got weighed at 133 at the doctors office Monday (total gain= 1 pound)
Maternity clothes? Maternity leggings only so far, so comfortable!!!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Can't get enough! But I sleep fine minus the bathroom breaks and vivid weird dreams
Best moment this week: finding out that baby is a girl!!!! And of course announcing it to our family and friends. We are both very happy, it's what we wanted! 
Miss Anything? not really, yet
Movement: I think I do, but IDK yet. I asked the ultrasound technician about it and she said it's because the placenta is between baby and the outer wall. Bummer, but I guess once she gets bigger I will be able to feel her! Can't wait!
Food cravings: getting over fruit...I love lime right now, everything with lime and salt like tomatoes, corn, pork chops lol everything!
Anything making you queasy or sick: different smells, leftovers are a no-no! 
Have you started to show yet: Yes, can't hide it no mo! not that I was trying to lol
Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm very happy :D

Looking forward to: to my mom's cooking! lol spending time with my family and friends this weekend. And of course, feeling some movement.


Week Eighteen: Baby begins to hear

You are 18 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 16 weeks)
  • The fetus is now 6 inches long and weighs 7 ounces.
  • The fetus measures about 15cm and weighs almost 200 grams.
  • They can hear sounds and may be startled by loud noises.
  • Recognizable active and rest periods.
  • The skin is building a protective wax layer (vernix).
18 weeksVernix (a white cheese like protective material) forms on baby's skin with the lanugo, a soft lightly pigmented hair covering the body and limbs, both help to protect your baby's skin during the months in water. Your baby may hear your heart beating, your stomach rumbling or blood moving through the umbilical cord. He or she may even be startled by loud noises.

Tiny air sacs called alveoli begin to form in lungs and the vocal chords are formed. Baby goes through the motions of crying but without air doesn't make a sound; yet.

Your baby may have the same awake and sleep patterns of a newborn. Baby will have a favorite position for sleep and recognizable active and rest periods.

Your baby measures about 6 inches (15cm) crown to rump and weighs about 7 ounces (200gm).

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Week 17


Showing off my new hair cut, 3 inches off! It was hard, but necessary :P

How far along? 17 Weeks, 5 Days
Total weight gain/loss: My scale says 130 or 131 so I think so far I've gained about 5 to 6 pounds since I've been able to keep food down.
Maternity clothes? bought my first pair of maternity leggings (wearing them in the pic)! they are sooooo comfy :) Still wearing jeans with the bella band but I deff want to get into maternity jeans in the future...I'm sure they will be comfortable..but cute? Guess I got shopping to do lol
Stretch marks? None on the belly yet...
Sleep: Sleeping great, still always tired. But having a bit more energy to cook and clean :D. Also still getting up every night at least once for a bathroom break.
Best moment this week: Mother's Day. We went to church then for a drive and had a great dinner . I had a non alcoholic beer...ok I had two lol never thought I'd miss it for the taste.
Miss Anything? not beer anymore lol still some foods are hard to swallow but I'm feeling a lot better than I did in the beginning and my appetite is increasing
Movement: not yet which is crazy and I'm MISS IMPATIENT so I really can't wait lol ....sometimes I think I do feel something when I have my hand to my belly but it's nothing for sure.
Food cravings: still fruits like peaches, apricots, nectarines, blackberries, mango
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't eat left overs or too much dairy or meat...I do like fish or pork chops just not steak or chicken 
Have you started to show yet: Yes, lol. I mean not a lot but I do love to show it off :)
Gender: Unknown but we will find out in 5 days!!! and appt. is at 3:30pm so expect news after that!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On well ok sometimes off but only because they are loose and it's hard to type and work like that...trying tape today lol
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!!!!!!! Spending time with my brother this weekend :) AND starting my 5th month next week !

Belly laugh:
Pregnancy Brain story:

So I was having a bagel and butter at work one morning and after preparing it I usually put the knife in the sink and the butter back in the fridge. Later on for lunch that day I saw that the butter was in the sink and I thought...did someone use it and just throw it in here? Oh well so I threw it away. Then the next morning when I go for the butter....I find the knife instead. Yea...

What's new with baby DeGaine?
Growing! According to website and the book "What to expect what you're expecting" baby:

Week Seventeen: Fat accumulates

You are 17 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 15 weeks)
  • The umbilical cord is growing thicker and stronger.
  • Fetus weight is just over 5 ounces (150g).
  • Baby is about 5 inches (14cm) long crown to rump.
  • and would be about 9 inches (23cm) head to toe, if it could stretch out.
  • The retina has become sensitive to light.
  • The first stools (meconium) are now beginning to accumulate.

17 weeks
They recycle the amniotic fluid by swallowing up to a litre a day. Meconium (composed of products of cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid), is accumulating in the bowel. Fat stores begin to develop under your baby's skin this week. The fat will provide energy and help keep your baby warm after birth.

Baby's eyes are looking forward now, but they are still firmly closed. The skeleton is tranforming from cartilage to bone. The bones remain flexible to make the journey through the birth canal easier. You can feel your uterus just below your bellybutton. If you put your fingers sideways and measure, it is about two finger-widths (1 inch) below your bellybutton. Your uterus is the size of a cantaloupe.

A timeline that breaks down the weeks and months

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 16

WEEK 16- Size of an Avocado 4.5 in

Can I just say, it's been so crazy the past 11 weeks. I'm finally starting to feel a bit better and I'm just so happy. It's kinda hard hiding it! It's all Wyatt and I talk about. We actually have been talking about how we want to raise our kids and what we morals we would like them to have. Of course, we are just dreaming, but we are excited to someday hear "you guys are great parents!" haha

I also wanted to say thanks to our parents and grandparents that are there for us sharing in the excitement. It is so nice to be able to share our happiness with you and it is amazing to be able to all smile together and FaceTime and talk about Christmas and how much you already love baby DeGaine. We love you so much!!!

How far along? 16 Weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: not sure, I'm going to guess I've gained 3-5 pounds since I was at 125.
Maternity clothes? no but I would like to go buy some maternity leggings lol
Stretch marks? Kinda (noticed on my legs and a vein on my stomach..weird), but I'm using BioOil. I'll try my best to avoid them but if they come ..oh well!
Sleep: Sleeping great, minus waking up to pee every night at 3 am. Wish I had more sleep lol
Best moment this week: Going tanning with Wyatt and enjoying some relaxing time (much needed for him since he has been studying hard all day on his days off) and looking at kids and babies play and imagine our lives in a  few months.
Miss Anything? actually...yes lol now that I'm more thirsty and it's getting warmer out I wish I can have a beer or two.
Movement: Not sure, but nothing too memorable
Food cravings: Fruit ....yeay had a few peaches and nectarines and I was in heaven!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells....sometimes when I'm feeling a lot better and I smell food I go back to feeling so sick again..but I've been able to keep food down, hence the bump lol
Have you started to show yet: yes, today while hanging out at the pool with Wyatt, the manager of the complex was hanging out with her 5 year old and a woman came up to her who has a 7 month old baby and the manager points at me and says I'm expecting and the woman was like "yea I can see that!" I was like!! people are starting to be able to tell haha
Gender prediction: Boy, I kinda go by what people say on this one. One week everyone thinks it's a boy, next week everyone thinks its a girl. These couple of weeks the prediction has been boy.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, but I have my moments. Poor Wyatt!
Looking forward to: Feeling movement & in less than 2 weeks, finding out the gender!

2 weeks till we find out...BOY OR GIRL????

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 15

WEEK 15- baby size of baseball :)

How far along? 15 Weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: when I weighed at 14 weeks at doc visit i was 127 but I'm pretty sure its about 128 now lol
Maternity clothes? just belly band some days
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still waking up once a night to pee
Best moment this week: for week 14: hearing the heartbeat, for week 15: enjoying a couple of meals
Miss Anything? still the and how I loved to eat and now it's hard thinking of something to eat
Movement: not yet, little bit of round ligament pain going on though
Food cravings: sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: food in general lol
Have you started to show yet: yea a little more though it could be all the bad eating since I don't eat healthy at all
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: very happy :)
Looking forward to: Many, many things including finding out the gender (19 more days!) and starting to call the baby by name :) and shopping!!!